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Digital Transformation in Action: A Report

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Uber is the largest car rental service company, but it does not own any cars. Alibaba is one of the largest retailers, but it does not own any of the goods it sells. Airbnb has become the largest hotel chain without owning a single hotel. The commonality between these companies is in the way they used digital technologies to disrupt their industries. Digital Transformation involves the proliferation of digital technologies across industries, changing the traditional models of doing business. As companies navigate a deluge of digital tools and technologies, they must strategically choose the right tools and technologies to gain a competitive advantage among their peers.

How will digital transformation impact your business? How are other companies transforming themselves? What are the pitfalls to avoid in your digital transformation journey? What steps can you take to strategically adopt digital technologies? We take an in-depth look at the dynamics of digital transformation in action in this report.

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