eBook, On-Demand Library, Salesforce

How to maximize your return on your Salesforce Investment through integration?

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Consumers interact with brands, not departments. To them, there is no distinction between engaging with someone from marketing, sales, or finance. A consumer simply wants to find a suitable product or service as easily as possible, have it delivered to their preferred location without any billing hassles, and enjoy the product or service for as long as possible.

For such a seamless experience, it is crucial that an organization has accurate and free-flowing customer data moving between its departments, whether it’s customer service, inventory management, invoicing, or others. With a powerful platform like Salesforce, a company is already on the right track to building excellent customer journeys. However, bridging gaps between departments is essential, especially when client information is coming from a variety of channels.

This whitepaper decodes Salesforce integration and explains how creating synergy with essential applications used by different departments can help streamline data flow. Better customer experiences clearly translate to increased ROI, and what business owner wouldn’t want that?

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