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Manage cases exceptionally using Microsoft CRM Case Management

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Organizations need the right tools to ensure internal processes function effectively and foster profitable customer relationships and strategic partnerships. Microsoft Dynamics CRM is one such tool that can help sales teams become prepared, insightful, collaborative, connected, agile, and highly productive.

The ‘Case Management’ feature in MS Dynamics is designed to track customer grievances from the moment they contact the customer service center to report an issue, through the remediation process, and finally to the resolution of the case. The Customer Service Module, one of the most powerful features of MS Dynamics CRM, allows organizations to manage and track customer service activities effectively. A distinct feature of this tool is that every case or issue reported by a customer regarding a product or service is recorded on a single page until it is resolved.

Case management today is more complicated than before. With cases coming through various channels and concerns being more complex, resolving issues requires more information and interdepartmental collaboration. Fortunately, advancements in analytics, social media integration, dynamic case management, and gamification enable today’s customer care professionals to get much more out of case management than ever before.

Download your copy of the whitepaper to learn more.

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