
How to Get the Most Out of a Contract Role

Whether you take a contract position in the hopes of making it a full-time job with the company, or as a steppingstone on your career path, it’s important to get the most out of any job opportunity. Here are 5 tips you should follow to get the most out of your contract positions.

Be Clear About Your Intentions 

If you were hired as a temporary or a contract worker, the company you’re working for may not realize you’re interested in a full-time job. Even before your first day, ensure everyone understands you’d be open to coming on full-time. Try to come across as grateful and confident, but not desperate.

Be sure to bring it up your intentions with your supervisor as you near the end of your contract.

Show Your Value 

In addition to regularly going above and beyond, consider various methods and how things are done at the company. If you see potential for improvement, offer suggestions to your supervisor. Also, ask for more responsibility if you’re effectively handling everything on your plate.

Try to get everyone at the company to see you as someone who is always looking to contribute in ways that go beyond the job description.

Be Responsive 

We all have that person in our life who doesn’t respond to texts right away. It can be rather annoying, especially when you are desperate to get ahold of that person.

If you’re a contract worker you don’t want to be branded as someone who doesn’t respond to emails, calls, or texts. Phone calls and face-to-face requests should take priority and you probably aren’t expected to respond to emails immediately. However, you should respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Make Yourself Available 

It can be annoying to work overtime but putting in extra time can pay off down the road. Being available shows your dedication to the company, even though you’re considered a temporary employee, which makes a powerful impression.

Connect with Those Around You 

Connecting with coworkers on a personal level is always a good move, especially if you’re looking to become a full-time employee. If you’re a candidate for a full-time position, you’ll want support from those who already are full-time employees.

Right now, employers are very focused on finding individuals who will fit well with their company culture, so it’s wise to bond with the people around and get to know the culture. Even if you don’t get a permanent job, there’s still the potential to make network connections.

Also, be sure to connect and communicate with your supervisor. Check in regularly and show progress on the things you were contracted to do.

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