Category: Tips and Tricks

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This list is neither exhaustive nor the final word in UI design. Creativity comes from breaking rules, while best practices help leverage conventional wisdom to create simple and effective UI quickly. A good UI designer will combine creativity and convention to create the perfect interface for the client’s needs.
ServiceNow apps.
I know that even the most experienced users may not be familiar with ServiceNow's more obscure capabilities, or may know about them but find them too rigid or esoteric. The great thing about ServiceNow is that it’s so flexible you can easily take advantage of its approach to quick-deploying, low-code app development which helps you build enterprise apps, deliver a great UX, and scale apps across your enterprise.
Everyone loves a surprise at this time of year, and there’s no better time to do that than when thoughts are of romance. So although we won’t give you a sparkly diamond or whisper sweet nothings into your year, we will give you 5 gems that will save your organization more money than a dirty ol” diamond and can rev up that passion for that priority matrix!
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