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Impact of Digital Transformation in Logistics Industry

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The logistics industry is no stranger to challenges. Seeing its market capitalization erode by $300 billion during the 2008 financial crisis, it turned around to deliver a stellar return of 15% in the next six years. But now the logistics industry faces a greater challenge, this time from within. With digital transformation making inroads into the industry, companies need to adopt new business models, make data-driven decisions, reduce its carbon footprint, and meet the expectations of the digital consumers.

As new players emerge, the boundaries are being redrawn and it remains to see who will be the top players of what is predicted to be a $15.5 trillion industry carrying 92.1 billion tons in the next six years. How large a role will data-driven analytics play in helping companies to cut cost and gain efficiencies? What would be the impact due to maturing of nascent technologies such as drones, 3D printing, and autonomous delivery vehicles? How can the ecological impact due to increased shipping volume be minimized? These are some of the questions we look to answer in this white paper.

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