On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Demystifying the ServiceNow Journey to Digital Transformation with a Simple Roadmap

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Demystifying the ServiceNow Journey to Digital Transformation with a Simple Roadmap

Lately, it seems that digital transformation has become a tech industry buzz word for any and all technology conversations. But what can digital transformation truly mean for your organization?

In this webinar, we’ll focus on the key concepts around digital transformation, why your organization should care, how effective adoption of ServiceNow can enable this journey, and how a simple, living roadmap is critical to ServiceNow success.

This webinar discussion aims to:

  • Help you understand digital transformation in simple terms, and how these concepts may or may not apply to your organization
  • Provide you with a practical, lightweight approach to building a successful roadmap
  • Provide you with a simple approach to roadmap governance
  • Help get you started with some specific examples and actionable next steps

After attending the webinar, participants should come away with a practical understanding of digital transformation, the critical role that ServiceNow can play in this journey, and some actionable steps towards achieving this.

Webinar Speakers

Kimberly Schaffer

Senior Director, Service Delivery

Scott Jacocks

Vice President, Service Management Solutions

Eric Smith

Solutions Consultant

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