
5 Things to Think About When Outsourcing ServiceNow Operations

Milestone Shows You the Right Way to do Your Outsourcing

If there’s one thing that’s for certain, the Digital Transformation that was happening 3 years ago is very different than what’s going on right now. The pandemic has fundamentally changed the pace of business and the companies that had the superior technology before the pandemic are winning the race today. It’s no surprise, that across key areas in our economy, the move towards Digital Transformation has sped up three to seven years in less than a year.

As technology changes at a breakneck speed and companies (and heck, industries) are struggling to contain costs and manage global projects—all while still dealing with the ramifications of the pandemic—delivering on a successful Digital Transformation has gotten that much harder.

What You Should Think About When You Think About Your ServiceNow Outsourcing Strategy

Outsourcing is no longer just shipping mundane factory tasks to third-world countries that have a cheaper cost of living. As these third-world counties become first-world and catch up (and in some cases surpass American ingenuity—think SE Asia, Latin America), we can start to look to other countries to plug skills gaps at a lower cost.

At Covestic,  when we embark on a ServiceNow adventure we consider:

1.     Choosing Between Outsourcing and Managed Services

Outsourcing usually involves tackling narrowly defined business processes, such as level 1 helpdesk support, or mundane necessities like document scanning, transcription, invoicing, shipment manifests, data entry, or call centers.

Managed Services Providers (MSP), on the other hand, takes a more holistic approach to your business and helps organizations with large internal projects develop a powerful, secure IT approach. After all it’s in the MSP’s best interest to see your business succeed.

An MSP offers a comprehensive range of services and often includes a better worker experience by providing product and operational support and customizations for a wide range of IT applications and services. For instance, when you partner with Covestic, we’ll propose and provide solutions that positively affects your bottom line and are long-lasting commitments, not short-term, localized measures that are just done too quickly.

2.     When Outsourcing, Which One do I Choose? Offshore or Nearshore?

First of all, how are Offshoring and Nearshoring similar and how do they differ? When you:

  • Offshore, you’re using a workforce that that is far away but has exceptional talent at a lower price point. Things to think about are the workforce’s ability to work across multiple time zones, and potential language and cultural barriers to work with.
  • Nearshoring, the little brother to offshoring, uses talent in regions or countries that are within 3 time zones, such as Mexico and South America. Pros to nearshoring are financial and legal regulations are often the same (such as data protection law), fewer cultural disparities, less time zone differences, and less expensive travel expenses. A closer proximity also allows for a better degree of control in software development, important at crunch time.

At Covestic, we’ll be taking advantages of the benefits nearshoring brings (experience, cost savings, etc.). With a recession on the horizon, we’re looking at expanding our offshoring pool from just India to the Philippines next year.

3.     Building Out Your ServiceNow Talent Pool to Improve Lives

At Covestic, we’re taking advantage of the economics outsourcing brings, and in using external help, we’re improving the livelihoods. In addition to India, we’re also using nearshoring to scope out places such as South America, Mexico, and Guadalajara. With smart cities  expanding in these regions, there comes an influx of construction, employment opportunities, and improved quality of lives.

At Covestic, we’re also developing a nine-week tech academy to train veterans to build out talent for a ServiceNow ecosystem

4.     Blended Workforces Call for Blended Rates

When you use a blended workforce and take advantage of offshoring and nearshoring strategies, you can benefit from blended rates. At Covestic, we’re using teams, often 2-4 tech consultants (2 onshore/2 offshore) where we:

  • Take into account organizations may take a small expense hit by using onshore professionals, but the convenience of having onsite professionals is immeasurable
  • Host online standups/scrums with both onshore and offsite teams
  • Benefit from similar training in India and the US

5.    Operating Near-24-Hour Coverage (Without Burning Out Talent)

Although many business professionals believe the world operates on a 24-hour cycle (and not the 8-hour schedule of yore), we and our outsourcing partners operate in a near-24-hour cycle. Without demanding our offshore partners operate in the Western time-zone and keeping our relationships professional, we’re able to enjoy the cost-benefits of offshoring and near-24-hour workday without incurring burnout from our talent.

How Covestic Does Offshoring – IT Outsourcing for Digital Transformation

With a healthy ServiceNow environment, Covestic brings solid Digital Transformation knowledge with our flexible and customizable managed services solutions. When you need a custom solution, our ServiceNow Managed Services team of certified experts help with all your ServiceNow needs (no matter the size, scale, or complexity). You can choose between:

  • Customized managed services support from our Elite ServiceNow team that can quickly focus on your core business
  • Experienced ServiceNow experts who can be used after implementation is complete. Our Elite ServiceNow solution provides you with on-demand experts with deep technical knowledge to make sure your ServiceNow environment can keep pace with ever-changing demands
  • As a ServiceNow managed services partner, our competitive pricing keeps costs down while also providing you with the ServiceNow expertise you need to succeed

Need to Outsource Your IT Services?

Check out what Covestic brings when you choose an outsourcing provider. We help companies develop and plan their outsourcing capabilities to make sure they’re taking advantage of the best talent while also controlling costs when facilitating outsourcing information technology systems and services.

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