
A Quick Guide to Automated Testing in ServiceNow: Part II

A Quick Guide to Automated Testing in ServiceNow: Part II

In the first blog of this series, I reviewed the benefits of the ServiceNow Automated Test Framework and covered the technical requirements.

Today, I’m going to highlight use cases for it and the advantages it has over manual testing.

With Automated Test Framework, you can automate the testing of mission-critical applications like Incident Management. For example, if there is an emergency change needed for modifying Incident Management, you can quickly run automated tests and identify any issues.

For developers, you can perform automated regression testing for new development and enhancements. The Automated Test Framework can help ensure that the defect fix is working as expected and not introducing new defects.

If you have developers utilizing the Software Development Lifecycle Agile approach with Stories, you can create Automated Tests for your Stories. This is extremely helpful for testing your Story and making sure it is meeting the functional requirements. Instead of typing up your test steps in an Excel or Test Case record, you can create an Automated Test.

Automated Test Framework offers the following advantages:

  • Built-in to ServiceNow with functionality testing unique for ServiceNow forms and service catalog items
  • An enormous time saving over the tedious point-and-click testing
  • Reduces the risk of human error while performing the manual testing
  • Provides consistency in testing to make sure all the testing steps are followed properly and completely

While we see the great promise of using this framework, I do think it’s important to inform you of the following. Some ServiceNow functionality is not yet supported—UI Pages and Service Portal interfaces. There is also a bit of time investment needed to initially configure your tests, test steps, test suites, testing schedules, and set up all your client runners. And it does not support mobile or tablet user interfaces at this time.

In my recent webinar, I cover best practices and show a demo of the Automated Test Framework. Check out the on-demand recording here: An Introduction to Automated Testing in ServiceNow.

About the Author
John Gubatayao, Senior Technical Consultant, Milestone

John is an accomplished ServiceNow technical consultant with 20+ years of IT industry experience and 9+ years of ServiceNow experience. He has implemented ServiceNow for 35+ projects ranging from Incident Management to Salesforce Integrations.

Additional Topics

A Quick Guide to Automated Testing in ServiceNow: Part I – Read about how in the age of continuous delivery, teams must explore and deploy new testing approaches to stay ahead of the game. Check out the blog post today.


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