
Yomi name in Dynamics 365: Let’s Talk About the Whys and Hows!

The buzz around Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is rightly justified by the all-in-one business solution it offers. By cleverly integrating the CRM and ERP features into one dynamic product, it has taken customer engagement to a higher and newer level. In this context, the Yomi Name feature is brought up, not unusually, but with a tinge of doubt and uncertainty.

Here we attempt to decode this feature and help you take full advantage of its unique functionality.

In ‘Contact’ isn’t the same as ‘being connected’

“Make a customer, not a sale.” – Katherine Barchetti

When we talk of a customer relationship, a business should aim to create a brand follower organically without resorting to aggressively pushing the product or service to the customer. Yet, more often than not, brands struggle to convert potential leads or contacts because they have failed to establish a personal connection.

Dynamics 365, with its out-of-box features, makes it easy to establish an excellent rapport between a business and a customer. Yomi Name is one such feature that helps to go beyond the superfluous “know your customer” strategy. After all, there’s more to knowing a customer than the generic details like name, location, and occupation.

What are Out-of-the-box Features or OOTB?

These are features that require no special installation or modification; instead come built-in with a wide range of functionalities. And, what’s more? There are no extra or hidden costs.

Before we elaborate on the “Yomi Name” feature, let’s discuss a few out-of-box features that help you work efficiently and thereby boost sales.

The Insightful Assistant

The assistant tracker not only tracks all the communication and interactions with a customer, but also provides useful insights to take the lead forward, and how? The assistant comes up with relevant actionable tasks, sets up reminders, alerts you to respond to emails lying in the folder, identifies potential leads, and even provides cues to reviving dormant ones.

Take the Next Best Action

Artificial Intelligence or predictive analysis is akin to reading the customer’s mind. Taking into consideration the customer’s behavioral history and preferences, this tool analyzes a lead or a complaint and continuously comes up with suggestions or ‘next best actions’ the company can take without losing sight of what and when the customer needs or wants. Such a model works best since it aims at a win-win scenario.

Make Your Search Relevant

Searching using wildcards or having to use multiple search filters to finally achieve the list you desire is a thing of the past. With ‘Relevance Search’, you have your list sorted by relevance. The result includes items from all the documents, including attachments, within Dynamics 365, that too in all the popular formats such as HTML, PDF, ZIP, and so on.

Look No Further than Outlook

Often important leads or potential clients are lost because of missed deadlines or scattered/unorganized data. Now, all your to-do tasks, e-mails, appointments, schedules, and meetings can be synchronized to Outlook, letting you focus better and work efficiently.

What’s in a Name: Yomi Name Explained!

Yomi, in Japanese means knowing the mind of the opponent (in this case, your customer).

A purchase is controlled more by emotion and less by logic. When a brand makes relevant offers, engages in a way that seems personal, and creates a feel-good factor about the entire experience in the customer’s mind, it is guaranteed to bring in repeat sales and create a loyal follower.

A customer always remembers how he is treated.  A conscious act of getting your customer’s name right is a simple and effective way to show that you care. It might sound commonplace, but this detail assumes greater significance when you cater to an international audience and the names are not familiar to you.

Messing up a client’s name is off-putting and could potentially mar any future relationship. When you have clients with names that are not common to your native language or are pronounced differently than they are spelled, you are on sticky ground.

This is where Yomi Name comes in extremely handy. The multiple name fields are used to describe the annunciation of the name. The user can specify the correct way his/her name is pronounced. Take, for instance, the name Jose. The Yomi name field can be populated with Hosé, indicating its annunciation.

Customers would appreciate that you’ve made the effort to know them better and they are not just a “lead” or “contact” in your records.

To know more about Yomi Name or Dynamics 365, get in touch with our expert team.


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